Michael Jackson | My Most Favorite Artist Ever | Sykeena Jackson
I was just sitting around thinking about what to write next. This generic blog opens up tons of doors for blog opportunities that are extremely limited on public or private blogs or social media and I'm enjoying every moment of it. I love music, so let's blog about it.
The artist who I fell absolutely head over heals for was Michael Jackson! Oh gosh, he was/is such a phenomenon to a degree that I can't even explain in words. I used to record all of his videos, watch him on every award show, had all of his albums and the list goes on and on. I think I have every album he's created. I still love this guy.
One of my favorite songs is Billie Jean. I thought he was just super hot in that video. If you've never seen it, please give me the address to that rock you're living under. LOL!
I think I've seen "Billie Jean" a million gazillion times and it never gets old. I also loved how he loved on other people and his fans. The 'We Are The World" movement was awesome and the "Heal The World" movement was amazing! He was indeed a great humanitarian.
Check out "We Are The World":
That was amazing! Star studded at its best! I still get emotional listening to it. Years later, he wrote "Heal The World".
Michael's legacy will live on forever and people still enjoy his music. This man is so "Bad", he performed after his death! How is that? Check this out:
How cool is that!?!
I could do this all day and this would be a million word blog, but you get the idea. The beginning to my Music Blog had to begin with the phenomenon, Michael Jackson!